Day 6 — Excursion to Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC)

19 July 2016 — Day 6

Blog post by Veronica Gonzalez, Oregon State University, USA

Today we had the opportunity to discuss climate change adaptation and policy in a comparative international context. In a presentation by Dr. Gabino Nava, we learned that incorporating the perspectives of local people is vital to policy success. Following this, we performed a collaborative activity brainstorming to identify adaptations needed in “Hypothetica.”

We also had a panel of professors who discussed regional issues relating to climate change. The group had very heated conversation about discourses on the flaws of political institutions and how communication between political poles needs to involve great trust and understanding–a conversation topic that continued well into lunch hour!

After lunch, we walked to the Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC), where we discussed the development and testing of energy technologies in the North. We had the privilege of receiving a guided tour, where we learned about innovative housing structures, toilets, and sources of energy that are sustainable in extreme northern climates. There was also a garden on the rooftop of the building! After walking back to campus, we talked about how the research center helped to develop our project ideas. We were then let off early to enjoy each other’s company before we ventured off on our various group excursions tomorrow!